Greetings Panther Baseball Families and Fans!
On behalf of the CHHS Baseball Booster Club Executive Committee, “Welcome to the start of the 2020-21 school year!”
We’re looking forward to Fall baseball and the start of the regular Spring season in the months to come.
In the meantime, I’m writing to welcome our new Freshmen families and to help get everyone caught up on where things stand with the Booster Club heading into the Fall.
Please take a moment to add your name and preferred contact information here
Once we have your full name, email, etc. we will add you to the Booster Club’s mailing lists.
First Booster Club Meeting – Thursday, 10 September @ 6:30 pm
Owing to the restrictions still in place at CHHS and across Tarrant County, we will not be able to hold our first meeting in person. Instead, we will do so virtually via WebEx - the Internet videoconference platform currently used by CHHS.
We will send out more information – including an electronic invite/link that will give you access to our first meeting soon
In each of the past three years, our Club derived a considerable amount of our operating funds through the organization of a Golf Tournament and accompanying silent auction. The two most recent brought in $17,407 (2019) and $28,425 (2018) to help us support Panther Baseball. Although this event requires a considerable investment of time and energy, the financial return is well worth the effort.
We will be returning to Texas Star for our Fourth Annual Golf Tournament on Thursday, November 12th. The response to the venue was positive in each of the last two years. We’re hopeful that our established relationship with the folks there will provide welcome familiarity and continuity. Personal restrictions associated with the interminable county/state lockdown orders may require us to modify certain aspects of this Fall’s event. We’ll pass along relevant information to y’all as we gather it. Please stay tuned.
We need folks to organize the Golf Tournament. Specifically, we are looking for: 1) Golf Tournament Lead Organizer 2) Sponsorships/Sales Coordinator and 3) Co-Organizer (with Jodi Lucas) for an online silent auction. These positions were filled last year by Don Goodman, Heather Dutton, and Jodi Lucas, respectively.
Tier II (Outfield Sign) Sponsor Program
This year marks the third season in which we will participate in the GCISD Foundation’s Tier II Sponsor Program (aka “outfield sign sponsorships”).
Owing to the fact the 2019 season was shut down just as it was getting started, those businesses that agreed to join or re-new as outfield sign sponsors received nothing in return for their donations. We have secured the approval of the GCISD Foundation Board of Trustees to “roll-over” last year’s sponsors for the upcoming year. While this is the right thing to do, it significantly limits our ability to use sign sponsor donations to defray the costs of our 2020-21 activities.
We currently have six (6) spots available and need to fill them all. This may be a challenge given the economic climate.
If you are business owner interested in sponsoring an outfield sign (or know someone else who might be interested in doing so), please reply to this email with your contact information and I’ll get back in touch with you quickly.
Fall Baseball
Fall baseball begins next week! Our first games will be played on Tuesday and Wednesday (9th and 10th). Coach McDougal is passing along the details to the Dudes through their baseball class – and will have more to say to the Boosters during our
meeting next week.
Volunteer/Support Opportunities
Among the most important things we’ll do at our first general meeting is to sign-up new and returning members to volunteer their time and talents to helping with our Club’s various activities and committees.
Here is a list of those current office-holders and pending vacancies: Executive Committee
President: Scott Palmer
Vice-President: VACANT
Treasurer: Monica VACANT
Communications: Sandra Wiley
Web Page Guru: VACANT
Additional Positions (needed immediately for Fall):
Website Guru
Golf Tournament - Lead Organizer
Golf Tournament - Sponsorship/Sales Coordinator
Golf Tournament - Co-Chair (with Jodi Lucas) to help organize/run the online auction.
Concession Stand
We will have many more positions and volunteer opportunities to fill in anticipation of the start of the Spring season.
Details will be forthcoming in due course.
CHHS Baseball Booster Club Bylaws
Our first order of business at our upcoming general meeting will be to vote on a set of formal bylaws to govern our organization. These are required to maintain our status as a tax-exempt status non-profit entity. Link to the BYLAWS are in the footer of each page on this site.
Please do not be put off by the length and detail of the draft bylaws. Virtually everything you will read is standard language designed (or required) to meet state and federal requirements for a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization such as ours. Owing to the time limitations we will face during our Zoom conference, we will not be able to engage in lengthy discussion/debate about language, etc. Still, we would like the feedback from every/anyone who is interested in these types of things.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns – or if you wish to suggest changes/additions to the document - please contact me ASAP and we’ll arrange a discussion.
Many thanks for taking the time to read (or skim) the above. I look forward to interacting with you virtually during our first upcoming of the year.
Go Panthers!
Best wishes,
Scott W. Palmer, President CHHS Baseball Booster Club