Panther Baseball Committees
Spirit / Panther Wear
This group will be responsible for obtaining and selling Panther wear for CHHS baseball. This committee will also look into ways to increase attendance at baseball games and increasing student spirit as support for CHHS Baseball. Additionally, they will be looking for parent volunteers to operate the scoreboard and announce player walk up at each home game. Please contact your team representative to pick up ordered Panther Wear.
Committee Head: Dave Korinek
This group will be responsible for soliciting membership in CHHS baseball booster club and to increase awareness for how the booster club and booster funds are used. This committee will also be responsible for developing booster levels and packets for membership, with a goal of 100% participation from all families with a child in the baseball program.
Committee Heads: Kelly Swientek
This committee looks at ways that the baseball facility can be improved or maintained. What can the booster club provide to help offset costs the district can't meet? What can be improved or added? This could include fencing, landscaping, grill and concessions improvements / permanence, bleachers, alumni wall/club).
Committee Head:

This committee will run the two fundraisers and establish getting the word out, as well as "rules" for each. The Texas Rangers ticket fundraising involves getting the information from the Rangers about their program and communicating that info. The Flower Fundraiser involves the players selling Spring Flowers and organizing the logistics of order fufillment.
Committee Head for Flowers:
Alison Steach - bundy0314@yahoo.com
Committee Head for Rangers Tickets: Chris Ballard

First Pitch Dinner:
Dolores Rodriguez
Banquet: Lisa Towchik and Jackie Torres

Website and Social Media
Committee will be responsible for making sure all baseball communication is occuring on the team Facebook Site. Typically, the team parent is involved in this social media role. Also, assisting the committee head with updating the website as needed.
Ken Sibley - admin@chhspantherbaseball.com
Social Media:
Kim Raab and Dave Korinek